Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Hari Saringan 2009

Haiya.. 2day there were some happy times and there were some sad times.. 2day i was damn nervous that i came skul bout 6.30 am.. I hope i won't rain again that has happened for the last 2 saringan till it postponed to 2day.. At first, we hafta go to chapel class first, not saringan.. mb Mr. Wong want us to pray hard so each of us will win and do well in the saringan.. haha.. Then bout 8.30am, the saringan juz began.. I took part in 400m, 200m, 4X100m, long jump and 1500m.. there is no event for the 1500m and it will be held during the sports day.. My first event was 400m.. I was damn nervous since i was in the same saringan as Jason, Alexander and some Indians.. They were one of the best for thks event and i was grouped with them.. The other 2 saringan onli haf Kai Rong and Shermane Ooi who will dominate in their saringan.. The 400m event started and i was juz waiting for my saringan to start.. I was the fifth runner and i got the widest turn.. The first lap, Jason was right behind me and he managed to overtake me.. But the last 200m, Jiunn Jye, our pro skul runner asked me to pressure and gif out all my best.. I decided to folo his words since he was in the same rumah sukan as me and i finally won the race after i overtook him in the last 50m.. Chicken betul!! Then, after 5 minutes, i hafta take part in long jump.. wth?? so fast?? i didn't do well in tht event and i got last.. what a shame! haha.. i never got that result be4 in my life.. wakaka.. i was satisfied with it since it was the first time i took this event and i was quite exhausted.. After 2 hours later was 200m.. I was super unlucky again and all the top 4 runners were running in my saringan.. oh, no no!!! Fu Bin, the favourite, Melvin, Alexander, the guy who won me in 1500m last 2 years after he overtook me in the last lap and lastly i.. I again got the last lane, wth?? i wanted something better since the most area of the last lane were covered with ground and not grass!! The first 150m i was leading and i slowed down when i got in the ground part to avoid myself frm injury.. Melvin took the advantage and finally i got second.. It was alright for me and at least i went into the finals which will be held this Saturday.. The final event was 4X100 m and Mori (brown), my rumah sukan were the favourites to win the saringan.. Foong Wah (red), Shellabear (grey) and Doraisamy (purple) were our competitors.. Mori runners were Ming Ren, me, Chun Hong and finally Tze Keat.. Chun Hong finally didn't run becoz he felt dizzy since he use too much of his energy during the 200m saringan.. we haf no choice but to put Sharon in the group.. So we had to reshuffle and Ming Ren, Sharon, me and Tze Keat had to put in our best since Chun Hong is out.. When the race started, everyone got a shocked when Ming Ren was leading the race since his turn was so nice and perfect.. Morians and I were so happy and so glad! Bout 6 seconds later, i heard ppl shouting and i didn't know what was going on since the the judges were blocking my view frm the other end.. But i saw Sharon running and i treat it as other rumah sukan had did something wrong.. I was amazed when we were leading bout 10 seconds and Foong Wah didn't manage to run.. So I continued the Mori won the saringan bout 15 seconds.. I was surprised and Ming Ren told me he had ran into ppl's lane.. I was not sure and i asked Encik Ramesh what went wrong.. He said when Ming Ren finished the race, he wanted to get out the lane but other ppl were still running.. He didn't know and both of them crashed and we were disqualified.. OMG!! All our effort were wasted and i was emo after that incident.. For me, it was a lesson to us and we will never do the same thing again for our next year 4X100m.. Gud luck to other houses for this year!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Exam's Over! And now 4C Jersey!~

Ooh lalaa!!~~ Exam's over at last.. Thank God it went well during the last day of exam.. Some papers are quite tough whereas some papers are easy.. Then, it is the time no make 4C jersey!! We're still deciding whether to choose Nike, Adidas or wad soever! 4K got the jersey loong loong time ago and we're still deciding.. There are so many factors and reasons why this shirt, that shirt is unsuitable.. Some say too expensive, some say not nice design, so me say doesn't suite them, some of them haf no size and many more.. Uhh!! Today Chun Hong we'll go Al-Ikhsan at Ampang to see the designs for our class jersey.. There were 8 jerseys to choose from Nike and Adidas.. We'll looked all aroung the shop to see if there were better designs.. Chun Hong tried almost more than 10 jerseys and the end result is don't want.. We spent there for bout an hour trying on juz the jerseys and didn't make any decision.. Lots of them didn't help out and gaf crappy comments like Te Sheng, Wei Joe, Tze Keat and more.. they'll look at other shirts and football boots.. At last, we decided to check the jerseys that are available for package.. Walao.. RM 93 for shirt, pants and socks.. That was fine to me and when they say out the prize for the printing of the number and name.. Damn fuck man! So expensive! One letter cost RM 2 and one number cost RM 4.. sure bankrupt dy loh! Luckily my name for my jersey is not tht long for my jersey and Chun Hong malang dy.. He hafta pay at least RM 20 juz for printing and that cost him more than RM 120 total! Adui!~~ I hafta stop now since i hafta write 15 times for 2 poem.. thanks to Mrs Ramani! haha..

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Exams!! Uhh~~

To all, i'm not able to update my blog coz of examinations.. No!! I'll be bak adding new posts after this thursday and gud luck to your exams if you haf!! ;)


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